Don’t Forget About the Power of Human Connection in Business

March 12th, 2024

While visiting New York recently, I had a mind-opening experience at Starbucks when I went to grab my morning coffee. There was no line to order, so after I gave my order to the barista, I waited on the side. At first, it seemed like it was taking an odd amount of time, given that no one else was ahead of me. But then I noticed drink after drink being placed in the mobile takeout area, and people were walking in, swiping their drinks, leaving without saying a word.

This experience is quite different from what I usually see in Europe, where people take their time chatting with the barista, and mobile ordering doesn't exist.

While mobile ordering may be efficient for the company and its clients, I couldn’t help but feel like something was lost in the process. This experience reminded me that human connection matters a lot, even in a world where people want things instantly. Personal interactions are what can make someone's day.

Think about it: when you have a quick chat with others, it feels good, right? It's like a little pick-me-up in your day. And that's something no amount of technology can replace. You can probably think back to a few positive interactions you had with others out and about this week, but nothing will come to mind when you think back to your mobile orders.

While mobile orders are convenient, they lack that personal touch. Those face-to-face interactions keep us coming back, even when there are faster options out there.

As you build your brand, remember the power of human connection. Whether through friendly staff, a warm atmosphere, or creating time and space where people can linger and chat, these little moments can make a big difference. In fact, because of this experience, I added 15 minutes to every client call, free of charge, so that everyone can leave just that much happier.

After all, in a world that's always rushing around, it's those moments of connection that really stick with us and keep people coming back for more.

Stay Inspired,

Sydney d

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